Teledyne Webb Research

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Teledyne Webb Research designs and manufactures scientific instruments for oceanographic research and monitoring with a focus on extended observations over both time and space. Teledyne Webb Research specializes in three areas of ocean instrumentation: Neutrally buoyant, autonomous drifters and profilers (10,000 to date), autonomous underwater gliding veh​icles (1,100 to date), and moored underwater sound sources.

Next Generation Long Endurance Glider

Introducing the Slocum Sentinel Glider

Learn more

​Teledyne Webb Research designs and manufactures scientific instruments for oceanographic research and monitoring with a focus on extended observations over both time and space. Teledyne Webb Research specializes in three areas of ocean instrumentation: Neutrally buoyant, autonomous drifters and profilers (10,000 to date), autonomous underwater gliding veh​icles (900 to date), and moored underwater sound sources. These systems are core to several major ocean monitoring programs including the international Argo array, the National Science Foundation Ocean Observatories Initiative and the U.S. Navy Lit​toral Battlespace Sensing – Glider (LBS-G) program of record. A Teledyne Webb Research Slocum glider, the Scarlet Knight, was the first unmanned vehicle to cross an ocean. ​

Teledyne Webb Research

49 Edgerton Drive​
North Falmouth, MA 02556 
Telephone (508) 548-2077
FAX (508) 540-1686

Sales Agents

Asia Pacific

  • India

    Pan India Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

    105, Phase-IV
    Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon
    122015, Haryana

    Tel: +91 124 401 3954Email: paie@panindiagroup.comFax: +91 124 234 6646

    Territories Covered:


    Product Lines:

    Slocum Gliders, APEX Profiling Floats

  • Japan

    Hydro Systems Development, Inc.

    6-7-22 Matsue
    Tokyo, 132-0025

    Tel: 81-3-3652-8156Email: info@hydro-sys.comFax: 81-3-3652-8106

    Territories Covered:


    Product Lines:

    Slocum Gliders, APEX Profiling Floats

    View Website

  • Republic of Korea

    Oceantech Co., Ltd.

    ​Ocean Bldg. 57
    Haengjusanseong-ro 144beon-gil
    Republic of Korea

    Tel: +82 31 995 9000 Email: +82 31 970 1459

    Territories Covered:

    South Korea

    Product Lines:

    Slocum Gliders, APEX Profiling Floats

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